Door Play
by Edie Reaney Chunn, Julia Schultz, Zach Greenham, & Amy Muir

See individual dates for show times

40 min
For All Ages

Doorplay is a play on doors and play. It is a play about doors. A murder has happened.
Jane Austen is an author who 3/4th of the writers have read and taken into
consideration the other 1/4 has watched too much Scooby Doo. Okay come see the
show bye bye now.

The Pit (University of King's College, 6350 Coburg Road)

Wednesday September 5th 8pm
Thursday September 6th 8pm
Friday September 7th 8pm

The Pit (University of King's College)

6350 Coburg Road
Halifax, NS B3H 2A1