Halifax Circus Presents Turas Mara : A Journey by Sea

Multiple Showtimes Nov. 28th-30th


Turas Mara (Gaelic for a long journey; especially by ship) is Halifax Circus’s homage to the history, mystery and mythology of the sea. Turas Mara combines the language of circus - physical theatre, aerial performances, sophisticated juggling, balance work, acrobatics and more - with animation and audio-visuals for a feast of movement, humour, agility and skill.

Inspired by the rhythms and wonder of the ocean and its denizens, this family-friendly show uses powerful imagery to tell the story of a mischievous sailor abruptly hurled into an unexpected underwater realm. Come see the best circus work currently being created here in Nova Scotia as we prepare for our 15th-year of celebrations in 2020.

Halifax Circus

1479 Barrington Street
Halifax Circus

Halifax, NS B3J 1Z3